For years pro players, fans and hockey enthusiasts have been searching for a community-driven media outlet that covers the stories of the hockey community that happen outside the locker room, around the world and without a league agenda.
Today, we’re pleased to announce that Hockey of Tomorrow have created that media outlet at Hockey of Tomorrow (
They will be focused on covering the conventionally uncovered. They will prioritize fresh diverse contributors writing about new topics, providing an alternative stage for their stories. More than that, they’re helping build a platform that gives people an opportunity to be a part of the sustainable growth of the sport of hockey. They're doing this through the following core pillars:
- Contributors - Our platform is providing the opportunity for fresh voices to help spark a change in the existing hockey culture. This is a first in hockey.
- Innovators - These are the entrepreneurs that are shaping the future of hockey through their startups or small businesses. We need to support their visions.
- Changemakers - The non-profit organizations that are out there in the trenches moving the needle on accessibility and progress. They deserve a spotlight.
- Partners - The brands and corporations that will want to help fund our mission of sustainably shaping the positive future of hockey.
- Pro Player Collabs - We'll be doing cool things with even cooler players.